Art Cologne
For this 57th year of the Cologne Fair, we are pleased to present the work of an artist from Bremen whom we have championed for many years, Nicholas Bodde. He was invited by the Arithmeum Museum in Bonn, to explode color in this place, the event began on September 8 under the title : “De la couleur à l’infini” met with a strong response in the press and a large number of visitors. Another artist whose beautiful work we will present entitled “La danse du feu” 1973, who also focused on color and especially in an architectural way (Jet-Underground fresco in the Hauptbahnof metro station in Hannover) : Jean Dewasne (1921-1999), also present in the collection of the Arithmeum Museum.
We also wanted to present to you the latest works of Antoine Perrot, a French artist who works on the principle of imported color. It finds its colors in the new mediums manufactured industrially by our consumer society. Here these will be works created with braided bolduc which gives a very impressionistic touch to his work.
Günter Fruhtrunk (1923-1982), whose birth anniversary was celebrated in several German cities, notably with an exhibition in Munich on his Parisian years, will not fail to be presented by a large work from 1971. Some sculptures by the artist Denis Pondruel, who has been in great demand recently, notably in Fougères in Ille-et-Vilaine for the exhibition ’Point de mire’ at the invitation of Philippe Piguet, will come and punctuate the booth.
A great lady of geometric abstraction who threw herself directly into this abstraction body and soul, only student and niece of the great Aurelie Nemours : Ode Bertrand. Her color works are rare, as she does not like color, she will be presented with some works that she is better known for, which are graphic, but also a vibrant color work. We wanted to add the work of our friend Hans-Jörg Glattfelder, the last Swiss concrete artist. He was crowned with the Aurelie Nemours prize in Paris in September 2023 and surprised us with a beautiful work called “Gouttes d’arc en ciel” which is an installation of several elements cut out and mounted on a very slow rotating system. This work changes over time and is never another or quite the same.
Finally you will be able to discover the latest works of Moon-Pil Shim our Korean artist who lives between France and Korea. His work is very soft, the volumes are divined behind the plexiglass and the effects of depth through superpositions are mysterious. He was approached by the Cernuschi Museum of Asian Arts for an upcoming collaboration.
Art Cologne