Jean Dewasne

À propos de l'artiste

"Dewasne rejected the technical expedients of conventional painting. He invented new methods that involved no deception of surface, color, or viewer, and he dealt with problems without ignoring of dodging them” said Daniel Cordier.

“Jean Dewasne, through his stubborn determination to bring art into the city via vast public decoration, is to monumental painting of the second half of this century what Fernand Léger was to the pre-war half” Harry Bellet- Le Monde – 23th of july 1999

Born in 1921 in Lille died in 1999 in Paris

Latest main exhibitions

  • 2008 Musée Ingres, Montauban
  • 2009 Stattgalerie Klagenfurt, Autriche
  • 2010 Messmer Foundation, Riegel, Allemagne
  • 2014 Musée départemental Matisse, Le Cateau-Cis
  • 2014 Musée de Cambrais
  • 2015 L.A.A.C. Dunkerque

Works in museums and public collections

  • M.N.A.M. Centre G. Pompidou , Paris
  • M.A.M. de la Ville de Paris
  • Musée de Grenoble, France
  • La Grande Arche de la Défense, Paris
  • Musée Matisse, Le Cateau-Cis
  • Musée de Cambrais
  • L.A.A.C. Dunkerque


Eupalinos 1972

Eupalinos 1972

Laque sur isorel
50 X 65 cm

Composition 1961

Composition 1961

Laque sur isorel
97 X 130 cm

L'âge d'or 1976

L’âge d’or 1976

Laque sur aggloméré 97 x 130 cm