André Stempfel
À propos de l'artiste
Who said that geometry doesn’t rhyme with humour ? The volume is slipping from a pedestal, a yellow monochrome that rolls up and detaches itself from the wall, you really ask yourself where is Stempfel finding all this. As a matter of fact, he is dragging us into chaotic stories, where the elements rebel themselves, and challenge each other where nothing stays in place, even the paper is doing mad ! Minimal ? Yes indeed, his yellow colour so called yellow Senegalese is everywhere. Geometric ? Also, in the choice of his forms. Sensual and funny, this work reserves more than one surprise for the spectator.
Born in 1930 in Villeurbanne lives and work in Paris
Latest main exhibitions
- 2005 Madi Museum, Dallas, Tx. USA
- 2006 Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Allemagne
- 2007 Le Grand Théâtre, Angers
- 2007 Action culturelle, La Grande Motte
- 2009 Stattgalerie Klagenfurt, Autriche
- 2010 Messmer Foundation, Riegel, Allemagne
Works in museums and public collections
- FNAC : « Morceau choisi », dépôt au nouveau musée de Villeurbanne.
- FNAC : « Ligne hors texte », présenté dans le hall de la D.A.P à Paris.
- Hira museum, Shiga, Japon : « Un mètre carré replié ».
- Centre Georges Pompidou : « Surface au ralenti ».
- FNAC : « Série peintures sur socles « Glissée », dépôt au musée de Grenoble.